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1.) Someone who is eccentric, creative, unique, and passionate about his work; Known for thinking outside of the box.

2.) A very handsome raccoon.

Currently seeking a

full-time position in:





- ANIMATION                  - EDITING




Growing up, I took pride in my ability to think and see "outside of the box."  I was always in my own world of doodles and drawings. I've had a pencil in my hand since I was in diapers.


Things haven't changed, apart from the diapers. 

I began my college career at Kent State University in the fall of 2012 as an architecture major. I thought, "Hey, I'm good at math and love to draw. This is perfect!" 

It wasn't. 

My parents have always encouraged me to find a way to turn my passions into a career. So, I channeled my inner Julie Andrews and made a list of my favorite things. 

After a lot of research & careful consideration, I found a major that incorporated almost everything on my list;

Digital Media Production.

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In the beginning, I learned the fundamentals for graphic design, illustration, videography, editing, and garnered a deep understanding of digital media as a whole. I also wanted to get involved, so I convinced my best friend to audition for a weekly slot with the school's radio station, 

Black Squirrel Radio.


By senior year, I was able to utilize the skills I had learned and expand upon them with my own creativity. Luckily, our radio show proved to be the perfect outlet for my talents. I used every opportunity to implore these mediums in order to promote the show, and it paid off. 

"The Zach & Beau Show" came to be 

the most successful show the station had ever produced. We brought in artists/bands for in-studio performances, organized events & giveaways with businesses and campus organizations alike, and interviewed nationally and internationally recognized Out of 56 weekly shows, we ranked 1st in terms of total listeners in five of our seven semesters on-air.  


At the time, our show was so recognizable that the station asked me to write, direct, and produce a feature film based on the show. Let me tell you, casting someone to play yourself is a weird experience... Luckily, Mario Beverly (the actor who was eventually cast as "Beau") made me look way cooler than I actually am. 

*The movie is currently in post-production*

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